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The Pet Food Project

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Donation Total: £100.00

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How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

The Pet Food Project

Donate Now

Donation Total: £100.00

Fundraiser: Race The Train in Tywyn

  • by Karl
  • June 8, 2024
Race The Train Tywyn

Fundraiser: Race The Train in Tywyn


Two years ago I participated in a 10k trail run across the hills of Wales called ‘Race The Train’. Although I managed to make it through and enjoyed the experience, I said ‘never again’.

On August the 17th 2024 I shall be returning to the Race The Train event in Wales to try it all again. This time around I shall be raising money for 5 new donation bins/locations that will really help The Pet Food Project supply more much needed pet food to community hubs and pet food banks across Wirral & Liverpool.

Created around a year ago, we currently have 11 donation points across the region and have helped food banks and community hubs across both Wirral and Liverpool.

We have also joined forces with the RSPCA as an official food bank partner.

I’m looking to raise £300 to help fund 5 more donation bins to create 5 more donation locations across the region. This will help to increase the amount of pet food we can supply.

Can you help? I would really appreciate it and so would the people who are struggling to keep their pets.

Head over to our Just Giving page to donate: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/petfoodproject



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